Make life an adventure!

If life has become difficult because of behavioral concerns, we can help.

When a person has the skills to communicate, solve problems, and find joy every day, meeting life's challenges becomes an adventure.

Adventure ABA assists Mainers with autism and intellectual and developmental disabilities using Applied Behavior Analysis. Together we work to match each person's skills and environments to their preferences and passions.

You're the Leader

We support individuals using ABA to enhance communication, build self-determination, develop relationships, and take on valued roles in the community

Essential Partners

We teach families and caregivers how to use ABA to individualize supports, create safety, increase positive interactions, and expand opportunities

Systems of Support

We help Maine organizations develop the policies, systems and expertise to use person-centered and trauma-informed ABA practices in their supports and services

New Colleagues

We provide supervision to aspiring behavior analysts and certificants to attain and maintain certification by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board